Tinker - I was getting very frustrated I didn't think I'd be able to post anything - my keyboard was deleting most of what I wrote unless I was very quick! But my tablet was fine - I could've spent all that time painting instead!
While your keyboard was deleting everything, mine wasn't allowing me to delete anything at all. Fortunately, it was a temporary glitch all to do with me being a slob - a crumb or something had lodged itself under the delete key. It works perfectly now that I've done a bit of cleaning. :-)
Mr Nomad - an interesting difference between us - in extreme conditions you can delete nothing, and I can say nothing... I may have to try the cleaning solution if Jim decides he wants his nice new keyboard back...
Steve - thanks - my computer came back and then my blog disappeared for a few hours... what is the world coming to... Painter is great but it does have some faults - like the magic wand selector sometimes doesn't work and I haven't figured out why though I've often found work arounds... sigh...
ldahl - strange how figures appear isn't it... sorry about your head... ;-)
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[image: Four Charaters in Bath]
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[image: Companion: Goat]
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The computer's gone all warped with red and white lines! :)
Interesting composition. Hope you get your computer woes sorted out soon.
Tinker - I was getting very frustrated I didn't think I'd be able to post anything - my keyboard was deleting most of what I wrote unless I was very quick! But my tablet was fine - I could've spent all that time painting instead!
While your keyboard was deleting everything, mine wasn't allowing me to delete anything at all. Fortunately, it was a temporary glitch all to do with me being a slob - a crumb or something had lodged itself under the delete key. It works perfectly now that I've done a bit of cleaning. :-)
Mr Nomad - an interesting difference between us - in extreme conditions you can delete nothing, and I can say nothing... I may have to try the cleaning solution if Jim decides he wants his nice new keyboard back...
Wicked Caroline! I need to get painter sometime. Best wishes on your computer problems.
I see figures in this warped piece!
Your blog gets me thinking....
(oh me head hurts!:)))
Steve - thanks - my computer came back and then my blog disappeared for a few hours... what is the world coming to... Painter is great but it does have some faults - like the magic wand selector sometimes doesn't work and I haven't figured out why though I've often found work arounds... sigh...
ldahl - strange how figures appear isn't it... sorry about your head... ;-)
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