Monday, July 10, 2006

MMM: What worked for me...

MMM: What worked for me

I woke up one morning a few weeks ago with this phrase in my mind. It turns out to be a well-known quote about the nature of enlightenment. For some reason ever since its made me smile!

The parts of this picture

The audience and mermaid featured in my MMM of May 29th, with was the day before this phrase woke me up.

The Crow was posted to illustrate mystery.

The blonde-haired woman is the image I drew for portriat (not a self-portrait) recently.

The key is one of the keys that has featured in several of my MMMs.

The large globe with a Crannog in it is one of the globes I made during my recent retreat.

The small globe contains a card in it with a picture of the world from space. In the tarot this is the card that is the culmination of the journey and as expressed on Aeclectic Tarot:

this card tells the Querent that the end to a long-term project is in sight

So here I am chopping water and carrying wood... oh dear so that's back to square one for me!

More MMM's

Sorry if I'm still not reading blogs or responding to comments much. But I thought I'd ease back in to at least posting!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Not back yet...

Sometimes I give myself a lot more to do...

The picture says it all!

My retreat went well but I've lots that needs to be done and insufficient energy / time to blog too... my love to you all!

I'll be back when I'm ready.