Poseidion - thanks - I put it as mixed media and am glad I did - I don't really like having to put a category at all!
Annax - thank you.
Rrramone - thank you and the same to you.
RN - its a cyclamen - see http://www.flickr.com/photos/caroslines/299344406/ for a photo - and happy TG to you too - ha ha ha - Jim looked it up somewhere which said that Harvest Festival is the nearest thing we have to the US's Thanksgiving.
beautiful work caroline! i think mixed media fits beautifully. :-) i know what you mean though, i don't like to categorize things either. ah well. those new pencils of yours look awesome!
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[image: Four Charaters in Bath]
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[image: Companion: Goat]
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I like the little bit of color. and I think it counts as mixed media... its more than just pencil. Good job on the illo
Great illo. Very subtle but beautiful.
The color is nice. Happy TG!
Is that a magnolia? Happy TG to you too!
Poseidion - thanks - I put it as mixed media and am glad I did - I don't really like having to put a category at all!
Annax - thank you.
Rrramone - thank you and the same to you.
RN - its a cyclamen - see http://www.flickr.com/photos/caroslines/299344406/ for a photo - and happy TG to you too - ha ha ha - Jim looked it up somewhere which said that Harvest Festival is the nearest thing we have to the US's Thanksgiving.
beautiful work caroline! i think mixed media fits beautifully. :-) i know what you mean though, i don't like to categorize things either. ah well. those new pencils of yours look awesome!
well done.
Love how simple and original this is! Great work!
simple, yet very beautiful.
Kat - I'm very pleased with my new pencils!
Thanks everyone!
the splash of color makes this illustration amazing! great job(^_^)
You're quick. Nice job.
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