I feel that this one is about transformation but that's all. Any ideas?
Enigma 711: Padding about
From New Scientist #1866, 27th March 1993 [link] The touch-pad on the
burglar alarm for my house is as shown. I have a code number which consists
of a four...
It somehow makes me think of the Incas, and their highly developed civilisation...from that to modern society.
You have so many styles, I am just amazed. I leave inspired.
I can see a puppeteer creating forms out of raw material - it's a Deity, it's an Artist...it's you! All power to your elbow Caroline.
Well I see an Incan god coming round the temple corner there about to bop those idol worshoppers (sp?) on the head. And it's actually rather cheerful. At the god is smiling. I like the colors and the jagged line on top and the swirly pattern too.
Same as the others I see an Inca totem pole. To me, the bottom of the picture looks like people celebrating the transformation. I like it.
They are wrong. That was Anonymous turning into Hellcat for the 24th.
i see children dancing and growing while a father figure watches on.
great texture.
Thank you for all your insights there is no right or wrong answer here. Thank you too for your encouragement!
I keep seeing a strange vegetable behind the tall figure. No one else has mentioned that... were you just being polite?
GG - So the transformation would be from one style of civilisation to another?
Johnnynorms - I can see the puppeteer now you point it out - I really hadn't seen that before at all!
Janey - nice contradiction here - being bopped on the head and yet cheerful. Also I love the idea of worshoppers! Perhaps this is a god that is not keen on the commercial use of religious festivals!
David - I like the idea that they are celebrating.
Anonymous - so a sort of Jekyll and Hyde transformation as personified by your own shapeshifting?
Catnapping - very interesting I hadn't seen the tall figure as specifically male before - thank you.
Beautiful pastel colours, Caro!
Looks like a very good party going on!
Cream - you've changed! I like the idea that it might be a party!
i love the colors, texture and the lines you have used for these two illustrations.
looking at this one-i can see somebody from outer space looking at those happy people in another planet. very positive actually.
I've come several times to look at this and now I know that this reminds me of: a city. I don't know why, but it does.
Glad there are no wrong answers!
Hope you had a good Christmas.
isay - I hadn't thought of it being in another world - thanks for suggesting it!
wandering coyote - a city? - maybe its me finally coming to terms with being back in Bristol! If so I'll be one of the little people at the front and the big figure will be the personification of this house...
Word verification this time is "tukte" I think maybe that's the name for the tall figure...
Not so much a Jekyll and Hyde transformation, but a spiusirt jumping in and taking over whenever she pleases! Have menbtioned this before ...
... wouldn't mind some help ...
She also dabbles with my keyboard!!!
Anonymous - I was hoping that maybe it was something you ate or drank maybe less Jekyl and Hyde and more Alice in Wonderland... because then all you need to do is adjust the amount of mushroom until you are re-balanced.... or just stop eating it altogether...
Hellcat - MWAHAHAHAHAaa };-} to you too!
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