Monday, December 19, 2005

Pond ice

Pond Ice

Photographed by my sister in her back garden on Sunday Dec 18th 2005.

She has netting over the pond and these icicles had accumulated there.

I thought it was stunning, so wanted to share it with you all!


neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...


I can't imagine somewhere so cold. What was the netting for? To keep folks from falling in? Was the pond frozen too?

Caroline said...

GG - the netting was to keep leaves out. the water was cold but not frozen.

Janey said...

Besides being a beautiful photo, it reminds of the a chorus line - dancing icicles.

Caroline said...

My sister says that the netting is to stop their cat, Jazz, from fishing and also to stop the fish from jumpint out! She has some koi and they like jumping!

She guesses it was around -4 or -5.

Janey - I love the idea of it being a chorus line! Think what sort of music they'd like best!

Laureline said...

I was going to ask the same question that guyana-gyal asked. Fascinating and shiver-inducing photo!

Caroline said...

Laura - its true - what makes me feel cold is imagining my sister getting down onto the ground as I assume she must to take this picture!

Cream said...

Caro, for a minute I thought it was the South Pole, No joke!
What a great photo! Well done, Caro's sister!

andrea said...

Thanks for sharing this with us. It's an eye opener for sure! Beautiful.

Caroline said...

Thanks Cream and Andrea - I'm passing everyone's comments on to my sister and she is really appreciating her photo being appreciated!

Dana S. Whitney said...

Fascinating photo... and your sister captured the transparency of the icicles so well!
As for the star... I'd say it weighs maybe 15 pounds... not very heavy for how big it is... The "balls" are actually plastic (which is nice because I'm not so worried it'll break in storage) and wired (I think) onto a big star shaped armature, with tinsel garland/fringe around the edges and in some of the "holes". I'm wondering if one could do something similar with styrofoam and metallic paint or gauze...... Love your art and comments. Hope your landlord person gets a clue.

Caroline said...

Thank you sulty painterwoman. And thanks for the detail about the star. I think making one might be a good project!

Rebekah said...

This is an amazingly beautiful picture - and actually gave me goose flesh. It looks sooooo cold.

Caroline said...

Thanks rebekah - I've past your compliments onto my sister!

valerie walsh said...

it's so beautiful like icicle keys on an ice piano!

kyknoord said...

It looks like a shark's-eye view of a busy day at the beach.

Anonymous said...

Amazing! And I'm with you... who knows what she had to go through to get this picture. Brrrrrrrrr!

Todd DeWolf said...

I agree-it is stunning. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

it is stunning! wow.

Anonymous said...

Spectacular ... I needed ice for my ginger ale :)

Caroline said...

Thank you everyone - my sister has been really surprised at so many comments on her photo!