After over a year of saving and pondering what I need I've finally bought my own digital camera - which means Jim will be able to use his again :-)
I got a Canon 350D which came with a standard zoom (I went for the USM version) and I also got a macro lens, so now I'm looking at things in detail...
And as the rain is pouring down today I'm glad I wasn't hoping to go out and take lots of landscapes (yet).
What sorts of things, apart from fruit and flowers, do you think I should try looking closely at with my new camera and lens?
Oh, you are in for it now! I could not stop zooming in to detail when I first got my camera. I took a picture of a fish in a fishbowl that was incredibly detailed and startling when it appeared on my computer screen! I'll try to find it and post it on Heronsnag. Have fun!
Forgot to mention I love the citrus! Try little things around your house. I like to take pictures of very small details (an ornament on the tree, an antique book, a figurine) from an arrangment on a shelf or table. A "minor character" becomes so much more when given the limelight.
I'm so excited for you! And what a great camera to get. I'm happy for you and envious, too ... but more happy. And you've made a great start with it.
Nan - I'd love to see your fish picture.
And thanks for the ideas.
Andrea - thank you - I'm happy for me too! :-)
That's a great photo! Congrats on the digital camera. I love mine, but I'm not sure it could do stuff like this.
I have a feeling you'll have no trouble coming up with subject matter on your own!
wandering coyote - I wouldn't be surprised if you could do something like it, if you wanted to - it helps to have a tripod if you are going to do close-ups. The best thing about digital is you can have a go and look at your shots without wasting any paper on the duds.
I've had some ideas but I always like more - it can really help expand my awareness - they may not all appear as photos but they enrich my world view...
Great camera and yummy picture. Hmmm-what to photograph? Well how about coins, jewelry, leaves and maybe somes funky bugs. Happy clicking and have fun!
Drool drool delushus!
How about close ups of fabrics?
Awesome! You could do IF's topics in macro... or EDM's topics in macro... Or green things.... Just pick a parameter by which to narrow your options! Can't wait to see 'em.
Oh, and Love what you posted for "flavour"
Holly - thanks for the ideas - bugs tend to move faster than I'm ready for but the other things would be good practise!
GG - I hadn't thought of fabrics - thanks.
Sultry PainterWoman - what is EDM? - I do the single colour thing as a way of seeing new things around my neighbourhood so I'll try and remember to do it in the house as well - good reminder!
I like it, make a nice drawing too. And I have a new camera - well almost it's on its way to me, a Nikon D50. I guess it's just that time of year.
Janey - I thought long and hard about whether to go for Canon or Nikon - I think either would have suited me. I hope you take lots of great images to then turn into drawings!
I am exceedingly envious of your fabulous new camera! I struggle on with my cranky old SLR - not as cranky as me, and I'm exactly the same age as it...
Johnnynorms - I am fortunate! And if you've had your SLR for ages at least you probaby know how to use it... I'm still taking lots of rubbish pictures because I will play with the settings and take things all wrong!
Nope - it's still hit and miss for me. But I sort of like it that way.
On the other hand, I'm angling for a new digital on my NEXT B'DAY...just need to do the consumery homework. I want to get the price right for a fumbling but imaginative amateur.
I take an experimental piccy, it sits in the camera for a few months, and then I pay for a packet of prints and I can't remember what on earth the settings were. And worst of all my last film came back blank! (My fault) Yes, time to move on.
I spent ages researching and found more horror stories about everything that I was interested in than I wanted to know... so I ended up buying from a shop on the basis that at least it might be easier to take back if it goes wrong.
Good luck!
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