I looked at this earlier and just had to come back - I've been haunted by the notion of ghosts in chairs...all the energies that might be clustered about a chair...dog-beings, cat-beings, people. And whatever sort of activity took place in the chair, sleeping, reading, arguing, eating...Thanks for the inspiration!
Persphone - thanks - that would be a good name for it The Ethereal Chair....
Nan - the colours go well with your new logo! (Like it!)
Johnnynorms - what else would a ghost read?
'Zann - Thanks for commenting - I guess all sorts of energies could be lurking in an uncleared chair...
Andrea - who is Red Skelton - I looked him up and got an imdb page but I don't recognise him - how on earth did you pull his name of out the hat? And you too valgalart?
I think the chair looks cool with the calk white man reading ghost stories. The chair seems to be turning invisible, may be that's just what the man feels at that point. The picture is done with great colours and skill.
I like this a lot! Love the textures of the man, almost like you drew him whilst possessed with fingers in paint whilst sitting in the chair yourself :)
For stories like that you sure need a protective armchair. There is a great linework in there that suggests anytime soon something from the book may jump right out of there and be in the illustration. Excellent!
Well blogger really is playing odd games - I've got plenty of comments in my inbox that haven't made it here... - an this is my third attempt at getting this comment to show up!
Teri C - Haunting? Thanks!
Detlef - The chair itself did become secondary but it had started out centre stage...
Katili - I wonder what would happen to someone who scared himself to death reading ghost stories...
Queen Tut - Thank you - wonderful is great ;-)
Isay - Scrooge - now there's an idea!
Shano - Thanks!
Anonymous - you've guessed my method and gone and told everyone - how perceptive of you!
Janey - I was having fun with the texture when I realised there was an occupant that needed putting in....
A ghost reading ghost stories on a blog with ghost comments...Caroline, perhaps you caused the disappearing comments over the weekend by posting your ghost?
Have you thought of spiriting your chair to kyknoord now that he needs some furniture?
Incidentally, I want to know about the picture of you - is it a tree spirit? Or will I find out when I trawl your archives?
Have you ever read The Golden Bough? Oops, too many questions. Apologies.
rglrkfc: regular kentucky fried chicken? I think I'll have pasta instead, thanks.
Roz Foster - tee hee - it tickled my sense of humour....
Reluctant Nomad - and your comment though showing here has not come to my mailbox... odd.... I did think of sending my chair to Kyknoord but I thought he might prefer some chairs without a past... and there are plenty of others around this week...
My picture started out as a womandrake, the feminine form of a mandrake, and was the product of hours playing here: http://korsh.com/cfdg/listimg.php just before I started my blog - I do now think of it as a tree spirit.
And yes I've read the Golden Bough more than once... but I'd have to look at it again if you want to set an exam question on it!
vymva - that's VYM with extra Va! to clean those places where everything goes...
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Love the ethereal quality of this.
A very ghostly chair! Love the blues...
He looks a chilly man. He needs a mug of bovril to go with his bedtime read!
I looked at this earlier and just had to come back - I've been haunted by the notion of ghosts in chairs...all the energies that might be clustered about a chair...dog-beings, cat-beings, people. And whatever sort of activity took place in the chair, sleeping, reading, arguing, eating...Thanks for the inspiration!
I can see all kinds of interesting crops. This guy looks like Red Skelton. Remember him? No? Me neither, but he looks like him.
WOW! I was going to say Red Skelton too! Or a hobo! Totally cool illo, very moody!
Persphone - thanks - that would be a good name for it The Ethereal Chair....
Nan - the colours go well with your new logo! (Like it!)
Johnnynorms - what else would a ghost read?
'Zann - Thanks for commenting - I guess all sorts of energies could be lurking in an uncleared chair...
Andrea - who is Red Skelton - I looked him up and got an imdb page but I don't recognise him - how on earth did you pull his name of out the hat? And you too valgalart?
Very cool, Caroline. Who is the man, though? Do you know?
Looks like he's taking a break from his job, as a GHOST WRITER !
Great idea!
Wandering Coyote - thanks - no idea... he just insisted on me drawing him in the chair...
Very funny Steve! So now we have an occupation for him...
What a unique, haunting response to IF!
I like this a lot - especially how the chair is the secondary element.
I think the chair looks cool with the calk white man reading ghost stories. The chair seems to be turning invisible, may be that's just what the man feels at that point. The picture is done with great colours and skill.
Just wonderful. Love your colours and techinque.
i like this one a lot. texture and colors and effects are great!
i thought he was scrooge!
Great colors! Love the expressive lines and theme. Clevah!
I like this a lot! Love the textures of the man, almost like you drew him whilst possessed with fingers in paint whilst sitting in the chair yourself :)
Both work as separate drawings. Love the texture in the chair.
wow. they seem to be fading into the night. very ghostly.
great use of blues...i like.
For stories like that you sure need a protective armchair. There is a great linework in there that suggests anytime soon something from the book may jump right out of there and be in the illustration. Excellent!
wow, this is something like i have never seen
very nice work
it glows
Very nice, I love the white accents. Very creative idea! Brandi
This is an amazing picture! Very atmospheric!
That's a good effect. Perhaps he should try a different type of book... doesn't look like he handles them stories too well.
It looks like he could be reading a story about his ghostly chair :)
Well blogger really is playing odd games - I've got plenty of comments in my inbox that haven't made it here... - an this is my third attempt at getting this comment to show up!
Teri C - Haunting? Thanks!
Detlef - The chair itself did become secondary but it had started out centre stage...
Katili - I wonder what would happen to someone who scared himself to death reading ghost stories...
Queen Tut - Thank you - wonderful is great ;-)
Isay - Scrooge - now there's an idea!
Shano - Thanks!
Anonymous - you've guessed my method and gone and told everyone - how perceptive of you!
Janey - I was having fun with the texture when I realised there was an occupant that needed putting in....
In my inbox I've also got comments from other people.... if they are meant to be attached to this picture (which most seem to be...) thanks to:
Aynaku, Alina, the Unknown, Square One, Amanda, merlinprincesse and Frank, GG, Carla, irvine, Joy Eliz
- thanks for commenting - sorry they are not showing up here!
shane - so you Red Skelton there too - I've no idea who he is!
liberty - thank you very much.
catnapping - don't fade away!
cristosova - ah, something else to come - eek!
joli noir perle - I'm not sure I'd be so keen on seeing it in real life....
brandi - thanks!
rose - thank you.
don - you are right, I think I'll recommend a nice gardening book to him...
melba - thank you - he simply insisted on reading it....
kyknoord - now that's a twist I hadn't considered!
Interesting... if there are any ghosts sitting in any of the chairs in my apartment now, they must be very very bored ghosts.
Red Skelton was a beloved television comedian decades back - he did a lot of sort of lovable country bumpkin characters, one was Clem Kadiddlehopper.
This is very funky. I love the different textures in the piece and the almost molten metallic feel the man has.
Caro, the ghost story the guy is reading must be terrifying! Are you sure he's sitting on a chair rather than on the loo!
Tony Larocca - I expect they all died of boredom then... imagine being haunted like that... ghosts too bored even to clank their chains! ;-)
'Zann - thanks - not someone I'm familiar with so probably didn't transfer to the UK or I missed it (which is also quite possible)
Marie - thanks - yes he is melting, distorting...
Cream - I won't ask what you read on the loo!
Miss Banana Pie - thank you - I put lots of blues into my palette for this and then stuck to them - it was a fun exercise! Glad you like the choices.
I love how you have captures=d the chill of the ghost story! Great take on "chair"!
This has lots of electricity flowing through it! I like your crop as well.
A ghost reading ghost stories! How ironic. Very clever!
A ghost reading ghost stories on a blog with ghost comments...Caroline, perhaps you caused the disappearing comments over the weekend by posting your ghost?
Have you thought of spiriting your chair to kyknoord now that he needs some furniture?
Incidentally, I want to know about the picture of you - is it a tree spirit? Or will I find out when I trawl your archives?
Have you ever read The Golden Bough? Oops, too many questions. Apologies.
rglrkfc: regular kentucky fried chicken? I think I'll have pasta instead, thanks.
Creative Kismet - thanks!
Amy Zaleski - thank you.
Roz Foster - tee hee - it tickled my sense of humour....
Reluctant Nomad - and your comment though showing here has not come to my mailbox... odd.... I did think of sending my chair to Kyknoord but I thought he might prefer some chairs without a past... and there are plenty of others around this week...
My picture started out as a womandrake, the feminine form of a mandrake, and was the product of hours playing here: http://korsh.com/cfdg/listimg.php just before I started my blog - I do now think of it as a tree spirit.
And yes I've read the Golden Bough more than once... but I'd have to look at it again if you want to set an exam question on it!
vymva - that's VYM with extra Va! to clean those places where everything goes...
This spooky guy reminds me of Emmett Kelly...at least this is who I saw a first! LOL! And...yes, also Red Skelton.
LOVE your illustration (and, I also like the cropped version as well).
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