This card represents inappropriate stillness. Stillness used to send out (and therefore attract back) bad thoughts: moans, groans and whines. The hypochondriac, the bad mouther, the cynic - all these attract in just the things they think about so proving themselves right. Bad luck dogs their days. The little helping spirits are all ears so they attend well to their instructions!
Suggestions for both meanings, as usual, very welcome!
Loving these. Keep going! (I'm your cheering section.) BTW have you ever done the Keirsey Temperament sorter (saw the idea over at Megg's blog)?
I think the top one is saying 'I could scream a la Munsch but I'll internalise instead.'
And the bottom one decides to get rid of the nasty internalising by doing a spot of yoga.
Thanks Andrea - I've now done the first four and am waiting for the next ones to turn up.
Pi - I love it - espcially the ide of the upside one involving yoga!
I can't find a reference to the Keirsey Temperament sorter on Megg's blog... and so far Google keeps on turning up dead pages... it rings a bell but I can't recall which one it is... and if I'm lucky it'll turn out to be one I haven't done!
These cards are all fantastic!
fun illo with coool texture!
Great series Caroline, I agree with yoga idea on this one - after thinking he was falling out of the window to attract attention even more!
I haven't been by in a while, Caroline, but I see the tarot deck is well underway. I love the mouth on this figure! It's so expressive.
I prefer interpreting the upside down ones. This one looks like a strange creature with red and purple eyes, maybe a duck since there is a yellow beak?
Poor duck is being attacked by vicious dogs from left and right
veri: ykaiky - khaki? Sort of a military colour which could explain the dogs.
Thanks Joy Eliz and Alina
Johnnynorms - I like the falling out of the window idea!
Wandering Coyote - thank you - perhaps in that case the yoga for the reverse ought to be chanting....
Reluctant Nomad - now you are making the whole picture much more interesting - thank you - a duck would make it related in someway to the bird suit.. now that you've mentioned it I see it as wearing shades... but those yappy dogs are a problem aren't they... dogs of war...
I really like the metaphor and symbolism here. Very true statement too. These are very sculptural and world look fantastic in three-dimensional form.
Steve - thank you - 3-d? I wonder how they might work...
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