Hi Caroline - *Waves* A million happy birthday wishes to you from Singapore. Thanks for your comments in my blog. That witch illustration is really good, spooky too. Wish I had a wacom tablet but will only buy one when i upgrade my Mac laptop, hopefully soon.
Well then..HapPPy BiRtHDay!!!! Your painter drawings look great...and I am delighted to see that yopur witch is the one I really admired when I had a peek at Penelope's entries. It's awesome! I just got Painter IX which came an Adesso tablet in a special CS2 bundle. I haven't had much luck getting the tablet to work properly with my computer and I am very frustrated! I am mostly making a mess using the Painter with a mouse. Keep having fun with it :>
Thank you all for your kind comments and birthday greetings!
Hello pajara pinta and indigo I hope you enjoy your tablets when you get them - it really helps to have a good one - I had an A6 graphire before as it was all I could afford but it just didn’t have the range of this new one. It was better than just a mouse.
Ha ha johnnynorms! I will keeping on taking the tablet...
Thanks carla. Painter IX is very overwheleming at first and not getting the tablet working would be a pain! Perhaps you need to check for a new driver or something like that?
The best advice I had was to play with each brush and just make marks at first rather than setting out to make a picture. Doodle - I know you are good at that!
And for cecilia’sart I’ve answered you with a new posting!
Right I'm going to see whether I can make these kind of marks with my Wacom. These and the ones above seem to be so superior to anything get out of mine. I just can't work out whether I'm rubbish with using a Wacom or whether it's worth getting a better tablet. Mine is A6 - which I don't mind but I wonder I'm also finding it frustrating because of the number of levels of pressure (the number of which I have I don't know but presumably it's the most basic amount)
Do you find the slipperiness of the surface a problem? Does it feel better on the more expensive one?
Hi Julie - I had an A6 graphire before and I really couldn't get this sort of mark out of it - someone else might've but I didn't.
The surface is slipperier than I like but seems less so than the A6. I've tried using a sheet of paper on top but it slipped around so it was just annoying... might be worth having a go again but with it taped on. Hmm... thanks for getting me to think about this...
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[image: Four Charaters in Bath]
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[image: Companion: Goat]
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Happy Birthday to You!
2 things to say:
2nd I want a tablet and you just made me make up my mind!
see you later aligator!!!
Happy Birthday Caroline, and keep taking the tablet!
Hi Caroline - *Waves* A million happy birthday wishes to you from Singapore. Thanks for your comments in my blog. That witch illustration is really good, spooky too. Wish I had a wacom tablet but will only buy one when i upgrade my Mac laptop, hopefully soon.
Happy Birthday, dear Caroline...Haaaapy Birtthhhhday to youuuuuuuu...Hip, Hip, Hurrah!
The drawing is very good!
I'll have to get myself a new tablet for Painter. Please tell me where you got it. Ta!
Well then..HapPPy BiRtHDay!!!! Your painter drawings look great...and I am delighted to see that yopur witch is the one I really admired when I had a peek at Penelope's entries. It's awesome! I just got Painter IX which came an Adesso tablet in a special CS2 bundle. I haven't had much luck getting the tablet to work properly with my computer and I am very frustrated! I am mostly making a mess using the Painter with a mouse. Keep having fun with it :>
hi! thanks for your comment.i like these pictures a lot. and whats the technique of this drawing?, i like it a lot. take care , kisses.
Thank you all for your kind comments and birthday greetings!
Hello pajara pinta and indigo I hope you enjoy your tablets when you get them - it really helps to have a good one - I had an A6 graphire before as it was all I could afford but it just didn’t have the range of this new one. It was better than just a mouse.
Ha ha johnnynorms! I will keeping on taking the tablet...
Hi cream - my husband says he thinks he got it from jagtech.co.uk ...
Thanks carla. Painter IX is very overwheleming at first and not getting the tablet working would be a pain! Perhaps you need to check for a new driver or something like that?
The best advice I had was to play with each brush and just make marks at first rather than setting out to make a picture. Doodle - I know you are good at that!
And for cecilia’sart I’ve answered you with a new posting!
Right I'm going to see whether I can make these kind of marks with my Wacom. These and the ones above seem to be so superior to anything get out of mine. I just can't work out whether I'm rubbish with using a Wacom or whether it's worth getting a better tablet. Mine is A6 - which I don't mind but I wonder I'm also finding it frustrating because of the number of levels of pressure (the number of which I have I don't know but presumably it's the most basic amount)
Do you find the slipperiness of the surface a problem? Does it feel better on the more expensive one?
Hi Julie - I had an A6 graphire before and I really couldn't get this sort of mark out of it - someone else might've but I didn't.
The surface is slipperier than I like but seems less so than the A6. I've tried using a sheet of paper on top but it slipped around so it was just annoying... might be worth having a go again but with it taped on. Hmm... thanks for getting me to think about this...
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