Dru has just posted about which of the images on her flickr stream get the most views. So I thought I'd show my top ten too... a very motley collection they are too:
In 10th position (731 views) is Purple Confetti:
This was an experiment in photographing purple.
In 9th position (846 views) is Holiday Cottage - Welcome In!:
This was a great holiday cottage to stay in at St Fillans in Scotland - we were there for a week in 2007 so that Jim could complete the Munros.
In 8th position (937 views) is Eden Project's Solar Panels:
From a different holiday in 2006 when we were in Cornwall. It good to see that Solar Panels are almost as good to look at as mermaids....
In 7th position (940 views) is Mermaids:
A display Jim had spotted this a hairdressers window in Frampton Cotterell and as we happened to be near there soon after that I got this photo. I especially like the MerKen.
In 6th position (1,285 views) is Scratched Negative:
This is someone else's negative that I found in a book, Jim scanned it and I made it monochrome and put it into a texture's group or two.
In 5th position (1366 views) is Red Buddha:
In 4th position (2186 views) is Wire Sculpture:
My one attempt at wire sculpture (so far) - it hurt my hands too much...
In 3rd position (2443 views) is Birthday Card:
With renewed thanks to Spitzgogo_CHEN (Nokia 6230i) for the Cake, Miss Loisy for the Bike, Jeff Kubina for the Balls, brokenchopstick for the Bubble.
This is a SoulCollage card blogged in my card blog.
In 2nd position (6,734 views) Water Droplets on Car Texture:
A texture that I took - the original was a boring colour so I made it warm.
And in the top spot (9,283 views) is Background:
This one was in the top spot long before I got around to making it available with a creative commons license... This background was inspired by Try It Tuesdays - and blogged here.
It seems quite odd that my two top images are ones which aren't really of anything...
Flickr's idea of "interesting" is not the same as most viewed though there are overlaps. If you want to see my most interesting photos I have a dynamically created set of them on Flickr.
If you have a flickr stream I'd love to see which are your most viewed images!
Do let me know if you post about them.
BrainTwister #64: Matching tiles
From New Scientist #3534, 15th March 2025 [link] [link] A game is played
with a set of tiles. Each tile is one of three shapes (circle, triangle or
I love the Purple Confetti and the Red Buddha though I can't decide which is the best.
Was the wire sculpture going to be an owl?
It was a great idea of Dru's, I'm looking forward to seeing more 'Most Viewed'
I like the wire sculpture best! Over 9,000 views! Wow! I'm lucky when one of my images gets 9 views! I use Flickr for myself but I don't use it for much else I'm afraid.
Your photography is stellar! No wonder you have so many views! :)
I'm not surprised your top views are backgrounds. They can be used in other digital creations. I have over 1000 backgrounds that I bought or made that I have used in pieces.
My most viewed piece has 6 hits. LOL!!!
I think the mermaids and the red background are my faves. And I'm laughing about the merkin, sorry, MerKen....
Anji - thank you! The wire sculpture was a 3d doodle and never got around to being anything - if I'd seen its owlness I might well have taken it that way. And yes Dru is full of great ideas!
Andrea - Its funny but you were the one to get me into flickr in the first place (that and blogger suddenly refusing to publish my images whilst it was having some sort of brainstorm) - and at first I found it far too mentally taxing!
Genie Sea - that's very sweet of you - one thing that flickr has done is let me know just how good other people's photos are - there are some awesome photographers out there! I know I use backgrounds and textures but I'm still surprised at the number of people working like this.
Dru - Okay I'll admit I thought it funny too... did you hear that Veet ran a "Goodbye Bush" ad in the US?
Hi Caroline,
I loved your feather!
Bird for Libra: The Condor: balance, effortlessness, generosity
Birds you may feel an infinity for: Albatross, Bluebird, Crane, Goose, Jay, Kite, Lark, Oriole, Song Thrush and the Vulture.
Thanks for stopping by!
Snap - thank you - its very kind of you to let me know.
Wow, wonderful photos! What camera do you use? Love the purple confetti, and of course the Amazonian mermaid Barbie world with the slave Ken mermans. (just going off on a fictitious tangent there...)
Ellen - Thank you - these are taken with either my Canon EOS 350D or my Panasonic DMC-FX01 - my take everywhere compact which is wonderful!
Wonderful photos! I remember seeing some of them before - but I didn't recall seeing the mermaids - and a small synchronicity with the merKen - there's been a merKen in our home for the past year or two...Actually, to be more specific, the Ken doll has been at our house for a number of years - used to belong to my youngest, now the grandgirls play with the dolls left around, incl. Ken - however his clothing has been mostly lost over the years, and for the last year or so, he's worn a doctor's lab coat on top (slightly too small for him), and a (also slightly too small for him) mermaid tail on his lower half - turning him into Mermaid Dr. Ken, as he's known around here, lol.
I looked at your orig photo's date and from the comments it seems to have been posted around 18 mos. ago - which seems it might have been around the time Ken took on his new persona here!
Lovely selection of photos, I love the purple confetti
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