The word for this week is Elephant. A nice concrete word that its easy to do images for so maybe a rich seam for blogging. It is also the animal companion that has come up, following the SoulCollage® process for my sacral chakra. I've yet to blog my elephant companion card so maybe that will happen this week too.
I've been aware that Isay has been doing elephants recently, for instance this fun one from a couple of weeks ago.
The first blog I looked at this morning rather confirmed that Elephant was the right word - Leah relates a story of synchronicity that fits with this really well and invovles 3 elephants.
This morning I got a book I'd ordered recently: Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential
More elephants soon!
caroline, this is too funny!! i love your elephant!
this morning, my head was hurting again and while i was waiting for my car to warm up, i was letting my eyes wander and they fell upon a bag i'd kept for some reason, it was folded neatly on the table. it's covered with black and white images of animals including, yes, three elephants. Hehe. Very cool, eh?
Leah - I really wish your migraine thoroughly healed - I used to get them a lot and they are not fun.
But the elephants - yes they are fun - and I love that you've found your own too!
elephants never forget. if you ever see one on holiday, never say to it, if you're ever in england, look us up. once they're in the door there's no getting them out - elephants don't like walking backwards.
that's all i know about elephants, caroline. yours is a fine specimen, it calls to mind the banksy exhibit! as well as having smaller ears, the indian elephant has a different end to its trunk - it finds it easier to pick up small objects like peanuts. (i may have got them the other way around).
i'm struggling for synchronicity. :o0
Ian - you missed out the joke about why African elephants have big ears...
Synchronicity is best not struggled for - just thoroughly enjoyed when it happens!
I just had my post with my elephant watercolor the other day, too - Elephants have always held a special place for me. Someday I'll have to post about my elephant dream that ran down the street to someone else...
I love your elephant image - it's lovely.
Terri - I knew someone else was doing elephants! I'll link to yours on my next post.
Do post your elephant dream too please!
Ooooo -- lovelovelove this. I just had to stop in and say that even though I'm taking another short break from blogging. Did I tell you that I think the loon is my bird totem?
Cool work- the outside lines make it seem like the elephant is shrinking.
i had a keychain metal elephat from thailand but lost it. i agree with tony it looks like it is shrinking!
i woke up with a headache---
Andrea - are your serious about the loon?
Tony - a shrinking elephant... now that's an interesting observation - thank you.
Isay - elephants do come and go.
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