The text says:
"Somedays paintings just don't work...
Somedays I do want to just tear them up and burn them
I've not found any journal pages that I want to burn but plenty of pictures ;-)
But one of the problems with doing so much of my art work digitally is that I rarely have the pleasure of burning my pages... today's MMM challenge however gave me the immense pleasure of virtually "burning" my work!
Here is a detail from it before the burn:
It was inspired by some photographs of a dig in Bristol that unearthed Medieval skeleltons below the bus station.
it is a great mmm and you know what the pictures you have mixed are great. i like the colors and i was also imagining them without the texts on top of them. i thought it would be better.
there was a collage of pictures that i have made a long time agon and when i had it almost finished that i felt like throwing or burning them but, a sudden idea came and i started painting some colors on top and varnish it with a strong color-it turned out so beautifully.
Isay - thanks I may have another go at this particular collage another day!
You now I really like that skeleton.And that muddy brown gives it a real atmosphere.
thanks Janey!
I know this was posted ages ago. I looked at it, loved it like all your collages, but moved on. Now I just wanted to acknowledge it.
Ages ago? It doesn't feel like that... its been haunting me all week...
Thanks fin
I very much like this piece!
The insect was good too - though I could not look at it long as it was a bit too realistic and I get creeped out by bugs too easily. however; quality wise; excellent likeness.
thank you - I hope you get over being bugged by bugs but I do know some people have such problems. Must have made IF - Insect week really tough for you!
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