It still looks wonderful and fresh :) You can see in the whispy lines - fresh foliage. There is someting that draws me to the bottom right corner ... a web of freshness?
Cobwebs? Oh dear, my housekeeping never was my strong point... how about thinking of them as lines of energy? Do you think I could get away with that? Or should I insist that one always needs to introduce contrast so, of course, a few cobwebs just shows how fresh the rest is...
I like the way you "mangled" this! I can see the shapes of leaves and fine lines that suggest more foliage and hanging fruit(?), but it' the gorgeous abstraction and colors that really makes this fresh. It's very vivid and pleasing:>
OOOO love the play of colors going from cool in the upper left, down to warm in the lower right, makes my eyes move around. "Whole lota energy going on here. Love it.
hi! thanks a lot for your comment. your painting is really ´fresh´and colourful, i love it, i like the pink and green, that´s a beautiful combinatin, i´ll be back, kisses!.
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[image: Four Charaters in Bath]
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[image: Companion: Goat]
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It still looks wonderful and fresh :) You can see in the whispy lines - fresh foliage. There is someting that draws me to the bottom right corner ... a web of freshness?
You accomplished "fresh" very well with this illo. Love the colours!!!
Cobwebs? Oh dear, my housekeeping never was my strong point... how about thinking of them as lines of energy? Do you think I could get away with that? Or should I insist that one always needs to introduce contrast so, of course, a few cobwebs just shows how fresh the rest is...
Psychadellic, man! I feel like Predator, stalking through the jungle, looking for some yummy fresh meat.
I like the way you "mangled" this! I can see the shapes of leaves and fine lines that suggest more foliage and hanging fruit(?), but it' the gorgeous abstraction and colors that really makes this fresh. It's very vivid and pleasing:>
OOOO love the play of colors going from cool in the upper left, down to warm in the lower right, makes my eyes move around. "Whole lota energy going on here. Love it.
THis is really beautiful. Keep it up!
hi! thanks a lot for your comment. your painting is really ´fresh´and colourful, i love it, i like the pink and green, that´s a beautiful combinatin, i´ll be back, kisses!.
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