My eye photographed by Jim and then put through the hexagon tile effect in Corel Painter IX.
The ever wonderful Tinker has awarded me a Thinking Award - now I've noticed these and variations of them in some of the blogs that I read and so far no-one else (that I've noticed anyway) thought I deserved one. Of course that meant a bit of me felt left out and rejected but another part was feeling relieved, because unless you are the first in your circle of bloggers to get one almost everyone has already received one or two and it gets really hard to find someone new to pass the baton on too. And now that I've got one several other parts of me are leaping up to be noticed...

Pedant: "Meme, meme, meme.... "
I'm not going to let this part go on about memes again. It had its say ages ago. Its enough that I've made this grotesque picture for it - another variation on my critic... If you actually want to you can see it bigger by clicking on it.

Cynic: "Have you noticed that everyone who gets this award is asked to link back to the original posting that started it? They are getting a huge number of links out of this. And search engines love the places with the most links to them..."
But not from me.
If you want to see the original wording visit via the link on Tinker's posting - I'd rather link to her than to someone whose blog I never read! Though yes I did actually go and read the posting that started it all off. And the cynics in me have an awful lot more comments about this that they are going to keep to themselves! (Oh oh I've gone plural in my inner cynics... :-)
Time for someone who is not so keen on thinking, I think:

"There really is too much thinking and not enough thought."
Well thank you for the paradox... Some of my inner parts can be a little hard to fathom...
Arising out of all this I thought it would be fun to have some new buttons to award.
The first is for all those people who think too much:
And the second to those who have managed to go beyond thinking, even if only briefly and know that I mean as its not something that can be easily described:
And of course as I cannot tell what you are thinking you will have to decide for yourself which to take - for most people who visit here I'd recommend both!
If you like you can link your award back here - but that's entirely at your own discretion.
Which would you like?
I definitely think you deserve awards! I think my personal award should be "Overcooking brain while thinking 'till smoke comes out of nose."
Tony - I hope you produce yourself a lovely badge that illustrates this!
If you have any "Incapable of Thinking" awards handy, send them my way! Head-cold struck Saturday, and is still (Wednesday) slowing down all functioning to minimal. I must be improving, though, as I'm able to read and (I think) understand what I'm reading. At least, I was chuckling at all this!
Caro, I think you should get a Guru award as well.
I think quite a bit but not about anything nearly important enough to make note of.
And lately my thinking cap has been on the fritz so I just do a lot of smiling and head nodding:)
Greenishlady - sorry to hear you've not been well - I had noticed you'd been quiet...
Joy Eliz - have you looked at the Guru card upside down?
I think too much!! But sometimes I'm an overthinker...and sometimes I'm beyond thinking...and sometimes I'm incapable of thinking, but thankyou for making us think Caroline!
See, THIS is why you deserve the award so very much!
I think I'll take an "Unthinking Award" - oh wait, there isn't one of those--I guess I just wasn't thinking...
Of course, there are days when I think too hard and too long - like when I was writing that post - I think I've already thought way too much about these Thinking Awards, so I'm going to tank these thoughts for now (hmm...would that make it a think tank, then?)
But thank you for making me think - and laugh, Caroline!
My head is throbbing of thinking too much.
Jo - I hope your wool didn't get tangled with all that wool-gathering...
Tinker - I'm glad I'm worthy of you!
Cream - mine too!
Way to go Caroline! I never even knew such an award existed until now! What will they think of next (or should I ask, what will YOU think of next)? ;)
Steve - its odd how the blogs we all read overlap and don't... I wonder if there is a map of it...
I've also been awarded one. Does that mean we're related?
RN - related via our blogs no doubt...
I have awarded myself the over-thinker's award. Thanks very much Caroline, and Congrats on your real one! I love all the remixes you're doing lately, especially those for fun! :D Great work!
Suzie Q - thank you!
Well I'm glad you got the award so that I found your blog! I love your cards and everything else.
Lisa - welcome! - thank you - yes I can see the value of advertising links - I must get my blogroll back together again! - I admit my sense of humour probably got the better of me when I posted this one. :-)
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