Lucy Lamb and Chocolate Eggs photographed with my new compact digital camera.
After months of research I've finally got a little camera that I can take anywhere - it is small enough to fit in my small shoulder bag so really no excuses now.
Jim noticed that the Panasonic DMC-FX01 was on offer from Comet at either the store or on-line (£150) - so he went to our nearest store and, having managed to say no to all their attempts to sell extended guarantees / insurance etc. (who does pay £60 to guarantee a £150 camera?), came away with my new take anywhere toy!
I'm feeling very lucky today. Thank you Jim!
As you can see the sun is shining here - we are having beautifully warm spring weather.
I hope Easter, if you celebrate it, is finding you replete with chocolate (or a suitable alternative), if not sunshine too.
Easter and its more pagan roots are all about the transformation of death into life - or winter into spring - which makes the card I made yesterday all the more appropriate.
I noticed Tinker mentioning Easter frocks on her blog - I never had one, in fact I had never even heard of them before - what celebrations and traditions do you associate with this time of year?
Foods are the only things I connect with this time of year:
Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday
Chocolate Easter Eggs and Simnel cake on Easter Sunday
Happy easter!
What a great pix. It's so adorable.
Happy Easter, Caroline, even if I now hate you :). Your compact is better than my only digital! I can only dream of that SLR right now. One day, one day...
Have a lovely day.
Maria Antunes - hello and thank you!
janey - hi there haven't seen you for a while - hope all is well with you. I'll pop over and visit soon.
Andrea - I know I'm lucky...
Nice sheep, I'm a huge fan of sheep of course! and lucky you to get a camera too!
I wonder if it's only an American tradition to have a new spring dress?
Chocolate bunnies and baskets full of dyed Easter eggs to be hidden and hunted out, are my other associations with the holiday.
Love the chocolate sheep~
Oh and I just ran to doublecheck the make and model on my still new-ish camera - 2 mos. old - I thought we had the same one but mine's a different model Panasonic. I'm loving mine so far - though I'm a little embarrassed to say there are still functions that I don't know how to use yet...I'm glad you've gotten a camera of your own - enjoy!
Meant to say, "Hope you had a happy Easter!" xo
I want to bite Lucy Lamb's head off!
Oh, and I associate Jelly Beans. I used to get them in those plastic Easter Eggs, but that was pretty much the only time I would get them.
Jo - the fleece on this one would make very sticky spinning!
Tinker - I didn't have any clothes that were associated with traditions - just when I grew out of what I was wearing I hoped to get something new to replace it! We had episodes of painting eggs but never often enough to become "a tradition".
Glad to hear you are happy with your Panasonic - we'd been looking at Canons before but I didn't like the actual feel of the ones I'd tried in the shops.
Andrew Thornton - her head is still there - I started with her feet! Jelly beans do look like very small eggs don't they - maybe I'll find jelly beans for nephews next year - thanks for the idea.
Happy Easter Caro!!
Happy Easter Joy Eliz - good to see you are back!
I read in the paper that resolutions made at easter are more likely to last - or last longer - than any made at new year's. yes, I probably think about making resolutions.
I celebrate the return of warm weather and the friskiness of nature - especially the crazy rabbits in the yonder field, espied through my binoculars. Also saw three buzzards up to some aerial anky panky menage a trois. I'm just an old pagan really. ;o)
Ian - perhaps chocolate is a better binder of resolutions than alcohol?
well I don't know - I do know that Young's used to brew a ''double chocolate'' stout which really did remind the old taste buds of chocolate - I think it's the type of barley roast used not actually cocoa! vair nice... I would resolve to have a pint right now if I could (slurp).
I don't know, it's just an optimistic time of the year! weehee. How else could you get overexcited about a thin chocolate egg with a bag of smarties inside?
elisa italia - I have deleted your comment - if you do not mean to be spam I'm sorry.
Did Lucy lay them chocolate eggs, Caro?
This from a camera that fits in your purse? Must check this out immediately (she says as she eyes her rather larger digital camera that she will lug off to do her volunteer duty at ArtOMatic).
What I associate with Easter: family, great food and just hanging out (no sports on tv).
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