Last night I could hardly sleep, I was so excited by Paiter IX!
This morning I had a look on ebay and bought a copy selling for under £40 including p&p - its an OEM copy so comes without manuals but I'd have bought a book or two anyway...
I'll let you know if this works out okay!
Enigma 749: Four square digits
From New Scientist #1904, 18th December 1993 [link] Here is a four-by-four
square of numbers. You will see that each row and each column adds up to
the sam...
Two !'s and some ... - a sure sign of overexcitement!
I got the CD this morning (that's 24 hours after winning it) and it works so far!
I couldn't use the security code with the trial version but I reinstalled from the CD just fine.
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