Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween Squash


Today I went out and took some photos with which to make a Halloween picture.

I decided that instead of a pumpkin I'd go for a squash....


andrea said...

I love this. So many layers and subtleties.

Caroline said...

Thanks andrea!

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Are you surrrre you're not an artist? This is very interesting.

P.S. Did you carve the squash :-)

Caroline said...

GG, what does it mean to be an artist?

For me its a label that has connotations of not doing art!

My mother was a trained artist and had given it all up; she had stopped painting before we were born, she did do some great drawings for us to colour in but once we were grown she did nothing...

So my formative example of an "artist" is someone who simply calls herself one and does nothing.... for me its more productive to avoid the label.

Caroline said...

Hi GG someone has mentioned that I misunderstood your joke...

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Oh yes, I was teasing you :-) But you have me thinking, and that's good...what really does it mean to be an artist?

It's like those people who say, "I always wanted to write a book." And they don't write. There's a difference between being a writer, and wanting to write a book.

I wonder why your mum stopped doing art.

I'm going to ponder this for a good while, what does it mean to be an artist.

I hope other creative folks will jump in here and talk.