This has to be something about music! Oh, and you have just been caught in a wild game of TAG! You and your work make me want to know even more about you. My site:
Very pretty and bright! The colors work well together! I know what you mean about waiting for the right words... and that in and of itself creating a delay in displaying the art! :-) Let the art speak for itself! Very Beautiful!
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[image: Four Charaters in Bath]
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Companion: Goat
[image: Companion: Goat]
This SoulCollage® was made digitally using goat images from:
kris247's Family of Goats, Hector Garcia's Goat, Dystopos's goat kid
Beautiful! So much energy swooshing around here with fab colours.
Thanks Suzie - you are right this is more about energy than I realised...
Hello Caroline !
Nice picture, with pretty lines...
Y"ll become a GREAT painter !
Smile for You...
Lovely lines and colorful energy!
p.s. I finally received the e-mail & replied - thought I'd let you know, just in case delivery is still behaving strangely.
This has to be something about music! Oh, and you have just been caught in a wild game of TAG! You and your work make me want to know even more about you. My site:
Very pretty and bright! The colors work well together! I know what you mean about waiting for the right words... and that in and of itself creating a delay in displaying the art! :-) Let the art speak for itself! Very Beautiful!
Thanks for sharing! Lovlee
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