My blog seems to have stopped being updated in bloglines...
If you get this via a feed please let me know!
So far the feed from this blog has been confirmed as okay by:
Google Reader (thanks Adele)
newsfire RSS (thanks Colin)
And definitely not working in Bloglines (thanks Andrea)
Enigma 711: Padding about
From New Scientist #1866, 27th March 1993 [link] The touch-pad on the
burglar alarm for my house is as shown. I have a code number which consists
of a four...
Yes, I did - by Google Reader
Adele - thank you. Very kind of you to let me know.
And I've had confirmation from a bloglines person that I contacted by email that it really isn't showing there... don't know what to do about that...
How does one get more feeds added to your blog? I've noticed, through Bloglines, that some have a lot of feeds and some only one.
HI Andrea - thanks for looking for me.
I'm sure I used to have more feeds.... I wonder where they've gone and whether anyone was subscribed to them...
As its still showing up on google reader I'm not sure who to attempt to contact about this...
Caroline, I don't know why you can't access mine. I too at times have trouble with feeds. The only thing I've ever done that works is to delete the feed and then resubscribe. That's worked a time or two.
I'm subscribed to you through Bloglines but your new posts haven't shown for me yet. I've noticed they have been slow for days ...
Adele - I'll have another go!
Anonymous - what a pain bloglines is!
Worked just fine for me , using newsfire RSS . (Now free, I recommend it to anyone who likes simple programs).
Thanks Colin - it seems to be definitely a problem with bloglines...
Hi, Caroline! I tried to comment yesterday to say that the last Bloglines I'd had from you was Thursday - and then blogger wouldn't take my comment! Trying again!
Hi Caroline, I didn't know, since I just find your (and everyone's) posts the old-fashioned way, by clicking on my "favorites" links. Hope the snag works itself out soon though!
They STILL aren't showing! Neither are mine ...
GOSH didn';t know you had new posts!
Greenishlady - thank you, Imelda, for your patience.
Tinker - it is the most reliable way...
Anonymous - oh dear!
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