What a wonderful Valentine morning - Jim had baked me a fruit and nut bread to make up for the lack of chocolates - I'm avoiding sugar this year and have so far kept the resolution pretty well! But also 12 red roses!!!
I'd really hoped to get the "I Love You" Marmite for Jim before today, but hadn't manged to find it until we went shopping at Waitrose today. Jim says it smells of Champagne, but to me it just smells like Marmite.
This is what I did for my neighbour, using a photo of one of her cats and written in lolcat:
OH MY I don't want to talk like a fluffy animal ... I have feathers!
Had to finish eating Christmas chocolates before Valentine's Day - oh the pressure! Now have until Easter ... glad you had a good one :)
i just love that lolcat you made!
Anonymous - we've had a couple of boxes of chocolates left over since Christmas. They've remained unopened to help me stick to my resolution yesterday I specifically gave Jim permission to eat them provided he didn't leave the open boxes lying around looking beseeching (is that the word I want, don't quite know where it came from... not lolcat anyway!)
Leah - thank you - Ralph (the cat) has that rather direct look which always gets me feeling guilty - I fed him and his brother for 3 weeks whilst their owner was in Australia and ever since Ralph has been in a huff with me... perhaps for not coming over and feeding them still.
Hi Caroline
I like your heart collage - I had a similar idea with my valentine's window post. And maybe you'd like this Lolcat post from another Heather.
Lovely roses, Caroline. I like your heart collage, and the cat language certainly did make me lol.
I had to go look up marmite though - sort of a savory spread, is what I gathered - not sure if I got that right or not.
Glad you had such a great day!~xox
heatheronhertravels - so you did, sorry I've not been visiting your blog much - my interest in travel is very low - I feel its better, from a green point of view, to holiday in this country in general, saving abroad for "once in a life time". I started to feel like this when I was working for Hewlett Packard and having to travel for work. I like reading blogs from people in other parts of the world and feel that is how I travel these days. Of course I may go and visit some of them someday.
Tinker - thank you! Marmite is something that seems to be a British taste. I know I saw it for sale in California but only in shops that cater for British ex-pats. I don't recommend you buy it though as unless you've been brought up on it you are unlikely to like it. And quite a lot of people in this country don't like it anyway!
Love the mosaic.
The cat - precious!!
I wish you were my neighbor!!! :)
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