Blogging along on my journey to wherever it is I'm going
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Not back yet...
The picture says it all!
My retreat went well but I've lots that needs to be done and insufficient energy / time to blog too... my love to you all!
I'll be back when I'm ready.
I don't think the first comment I left "took" so I hope you don't end up with 2 of these! It's just good to see you around and know you're well. Take your time - we'll be here waiting when you're ready.
BrainTwister #64: Matching tiles
From New Scientist #3534, 15th March 2025 [link] [link] A game is played
with a set of tiles. Each tile is one of three shapes (circle, triangle or
The Beacons Way - Walk 3
Walk 3: The Black Mountain
[map] [photos]
The official route on this section was amended in 2016 to avoid the
environmentally sensitive area of the summ...
Learning Encaustic Painting in the UK
Most people who have heard of encaustic in the UK are familiar with the
thin wax style ironed over shiny cards. This is not how I work. I prefer to
build u...
Four Charaters in Bath
Caro's Lines posted a photo:
[image: Four Charaters in Bath]
Bath has some strange "people" in it...
1. Regency dressed woman outside the Jane Austen C...
Eight Months Old
Today is Teasel's eight month birthday - we went for a walk to Ashton Court.
In the photo you can see her investigating one of the ponds.
The best news for...
Companion: Goat
[image: Companion: Goat]
This SoulCollage® was made digitally using goat images from:
kris247's Family of Goats, Hector Garcia's Goat, Dystopos's goat kid
I don't think the first comment I left "took" so I hope you don't end up with 2 of these!
It's just good to see you around and know you're well. Take your time - we'll be here waiting when you're ready.
I saw the asterisk next to Caro's Lines in my feed reader and thought you were back. False alarm I guess! Enjoy the rest of your break :)
woooeeee ....
enjoy, enjoy, enjoy the retreat :-)
Thanks for checking in!
I might know how you feel - I can't stay away for more than a week, and even then I'm hardly ever completely's refreshing.
I am so glad you are back! I've missed you!!!
Can't wait to see what you've been creating.
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