There's an interesting idea - though it might be rather disconcerting or even alarming, in some cases! I really like the illo, though. I just saw another commentator note it was your blogiversary - happy birthday to your blog!
BrainTwister #64: Matching tiles
From New Scientist #3534, 15th March 2025 [link] [link] A game is played
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The Beacons Way - Walk 3
Walk 3: The Black Mountain
[map] [photos]
The official route on this section was amended in 2016 to avoid the
environmentally sensitive area of the summ...
Learning Encaustic Painting in the UK
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thin wax style ironed over shiny cards. This is not how I work. I prefer to
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Four Charaters in Bath
Caro's Lines posted a photo:
[image: Four Charaters in Bath]
Bath has some strange "people" in it...
1. Regency dressed woman outside the Jane Austen C...
Eight Months Old
Today is Teasel's eight month birthday - we went for a walk to Ashton Court.
In the photo you can see her investigating one of the ponds.
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Companion: Goat
[image: Companion: Goat]
This SoulCollage® was made digitally using goat images from:
kris247's Family of Goats, Hector Garcia's Goat, Dystopos's goat kid
Happy blogoversary!
Hello Teena in Toronto - and wow I'd entirely missed that!
Thank you!
And I'd forgotten I'd got that little widget there too...
I thought they were thinking earth, air, fire, and water? I'd like to be the rooty thinker, but probably more the tangle-mind.
Happy 4 years blog
John - what a great thought - I hadn't seen that they could be earth, air fire and water!
And I have both the same wish and same concern.... about my own thinking.
There's an interesting idea - though it might be rather disconcerting or even alarming, in some cases! I really like the illo, though.
I just saw another commentator note it was your blogiversary - happy birthday to your blog!
Interesting thought! I'm a little late but,Happy Blogiversary!
Just peeking in to say, I hope YOU had a happy birthday, as well - and that all is well with you! xo
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