I just realised I hadn't posted in over a week... sorry. Its probably that I've not got anywhere worth reporting with Carla's challenges and somehow I've been forgetting that there is more to this blog than those..
Maybe its time for a more general where am I and what have I been up to sort of post...
I've not been up to much... a little painting (and no I'm not showing on here yet... though at last I think I know what they are about!)... the odd walk in Bristol's various nearby green spaces... collecting Jim from the airport and getting horribly lost (how? I've no idea... I was the one that got lost...) but still getting there sufficiently early that I had to pay to park... you only get 10 minutes free parking there and it takes most of that to walk to and from the terminal... so hard to avoid at least the £2.50 charge for the next 20 minutes. If I hadn't got lost I'd have been much too early and been stung for the £4 charge (30 min - 1 hour) instead. I was a little impatient to see him after his adventures in the snowfields of Norway :-)
I've been reading a book: Trance: A Natural History of Altered States of Mind by Brian Inglis - its fascinating. I haven't finished it yet but am both appalled and amazed at the way scientists were reluctant to investigate hypnosis in the 19th century because of the damage it would do to their reputations!
I love the general where am I and what have I been up to sorts of post. Do I lack imagination or am I just an insatiable voyeur? Thx for the update.
Andrea - I think its called being human...
It's good to hear something and see a smile - even a smile on a deflated balloon ;)
Me too, I was thinking the same as Andrea, when I was reading this. I like reading the general where I am and what I'm up to.
For a deflated balloon you seem quite happy :-)
Norway! I always think of Norway as sterile-clean with no people...I think it's some photo I saw as a child.
That last comment about the scientists made me think of a book I'd read, Love is letting go of fear...that our actions are based on these two emotions...all positive actions come from love, all negative, from fear.
Anonymous - thank you - and the smile is important!
GG - I'll remember that. I often forget to mention the general how things are going sorts of things.
I went to Norway a long time ago and found it amazing. It was clean but not sterile. It made coming back to England seem very dirty though.
I'll show some of Jim's photos once he's finished annotating them.
And you are certainly right it was fear that kept them from being scientific. The only love involved seems to have been for their reputations.
Getting lost at the airport is a past-time of mine! Ha!
Luckily I don't have to do it much anymore.
Did you already finish your Wyrd Allies? Wow you are quite the scholar!
book sounds interesting - do you recommend it?
Joy Eliz - I'm lucky I'm not at airports much these days either!
I've read through Wyrd Allies but I think it will take quite a long time to actually work through it all. I'm taking it bit by bit.
I tend to have several books on the go - maybe I'll blog about that.
Hayden - yes though I've not finished it yet it is still very interesting.
I've been popping in to check if you have posted and glad to see you have. I'm just off to read wings4uchallenge for this week..have you looked yet?
I woul dlove to see some of your art...do you do any journal pages?
Winterwood - I've looked but that's as far as I've got...
I've just done some collages which I will be blogging but I've discovered a need to not show quite a lot of what I do... and that includes all my journal pages.
Beware the smiling balloon of death...
The airport parking here in Queens (JFK) is equally convoluted. I almost missed a flight last year because all the parking lots around my terminal were being renovated - my wife couldn't even drop me off anywhere near!
Tony - I think you are thinking of one of those ones with a really squeaky voice from too much Helium...
Sound like Queens is bad... glad I don't travel as much as I used to.
England dirty? I can't even begin to imagine that, Caro. It's colourful and everything but not dirty. Or is it, now?
GG - some parts are dirtier than others. And there are different sorts of dirt...
There was a man complaining in the local paper that he had to walk his children to school through the vomit and detritus from the night before every morning.
The reply was that the street cleaners don't start until 9 and of course the children had to be at school by then...
Its got much worse in recent years. Every night seems to be party night instead of just Friday and Saturday.
I wonder if the economy is really slowing if this will actually improve...
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