Jim and I were just in time to see this balloon being prepared to fly. It was a bit of a dodgy take-off... it was tethered to a Landrover and the wind was gusting quite strongly... at one point it looked like the Landrover was going to go up too... but in the end the balloon went up properly with everyone aboard and just gave the Landrover a bump as it was rising... unfortunately causing a dent to its bonnet (hood), and a crack to its windscreen (windshield). I asked the ground crew if this was normal and they said no...
Sorry about the slightly odd photo I was shooting into the sun.
Yesterday after an accumulation of synchronicities I made my first two SoulCollage® cards in a year. I've only just noticed how close that was. On April 14th last year I made this:

Collaged from these: lotus flower by wayfaring stranger silence by Mario Scorza On the pink by hexion
I put it up on flickr but didn't blog it. And yesterday, April 15th I made these:

For more about them, including all the relevant attributions see this posting on my card blog.
I've no idea why I've not made any cards for the last year except that I just wasn't motivated to. I love making them when its time to make them.
In one of her comments Joy Eliz seemed surprised that I'd finished Wyrd Allies... and yes it would be a surprise if I'd done all the exercises... I'm still working on the loops... more and more keep on revealing themselves to me.
When I'm in the mood for reading books I tend to have more than one on the go. I'm still slowly reading 7 Years in Tibet, I've got Positively Wryd started but currently stalled whilst I'm processing the loops from Wyrd Allies, most of my reading attention is going to the book about the history of Trance that I mentioned before - Trance: A Natural History of Altered States of Mind - which I'm finding very interesting but needs to be taken in smallish bites to relish it. Then there are the New Scientists that we have lying around the house. Who else reads like this?
Back to the Trance book - did you know that in trials with women who wanted to increase their breast size most managed to using hypnosis. Indeed one stopped before all the scheduled sessions as she'd got sufficient increase. A completely drug-free, pain-free way, and relatively inexpensive too. Not something that the cosmetic surgery industry would want you to know...
Hypnosis to help increase bust-size. This has got to be the best news yet. I wonder, would self-hypnosis work, do you think, Caro?
I've been reading so many books all at once, I only just decided, enough, I will read one at a time.
GG - I'm sure its possible. The only thing you have to work out is what actual suggestions to give yourself.
When I'm reading fiction I tend to be more single-minded. And I do sometimes look around and just put away some of the books that I claimed to be reading but haven't got any further with recently!
Love that balloon....
Do you think hypnosis would work too to decrease... ;o)
Ok Ok... I will go on with my diet...
i like the balloon pic because the shadow of the balloon is so cool!
The balloon photo looks very cool - though I'm sorry it had such rocky lift-off...
I tend to read a handful of books at a time - unless it's a novel that's really captured my attention, then I'll set everything else aside till I finish it.
The hypnosis trials are interesting - though I'd be more interested in combating age and gravity, than increasing size, lol.
has it really been that long since you made a soul collage? I still have the one you made me, which I am still very grateful.
With Wyrd Allies I was thinking you were one of those speed readers;)
MP - quite a lot of people do find hypnosis helpful in losing weight... a few years ago I got (from my favourite charity shop of course) the Paul McKenna's "I can make you thin" self-hypnosis CD and book - at the time it taught me how to go into self-hypnosis better than before but I didn't respond well to his suggestions... maybe because I don't want to be thin... just slimmer. But really I think its because I like to make my own suggestions up.
Leah - thanks - I liked that too!
Tink - thanks - I'm glad you like the photo. There's no reason why you can't use hypnosis to combat age and gravity... unless you were planning on levitating... that might be a little harder.
Joy Eliz - glad you still like your card! And I did flick through it like you are taught on speed reading courses, but I didn't really like doing that and so I then read it entirely, but only doing a few of the exercises as I went.
I've heard about the increase of breast size via hypnosis, but only found out that the mind can also make a woman able to breast feed even when hasn't given birth to a baby. My Sister is doing similar after breastfeeding problems with her new born. Women who have adopted have been treated the same way by who she's working with :)
It's a nice balloon picture. I like taking shots into the sun. It's one of those things I remember being told you shouldn't do, when I was very young and photos were generally boring and usually involved putting on your best clothes.
I can see why the breast growth thing might work; the mind is a powerful thing, and hypnosis can be too. I tried hypnotic regression once, and found it seriously disturbing and best left well alone. In the right hands, though...
The balloon looks more atmospheric with that lighting I think.
Ho! Synchronicity! Had 3 pals (2 of whom were at the workshop you came to) over to make cards yesterday - and I made one featuring a Hot Air Balloon. One of my wishes is to have a ride in a balloon sometime! Those cards are great - Love the lotus. (Why have I lost touch with your blog? - there's so much going on!) Glad you stopped by today. I'll be back. Hope all is well with you!
Anonymous - I've not heard about the breast milk production... it sounds wonderful as a way to improve the bonding.
Dru - Yes I take shots into the sun all the time too and certainly didn't let being told that it was wrong stop me either... but this one didn't have the quite effect I was hoping to capture... I think hypnotic regression needs to be done very carefully... I've not volunteered for it... I got even more into self-hypnosis after a really bad experience on a hypnosis course. I blogged it here: Under the sea.
Captain Modroom9 - hello you are looking splendid! Thanks for the encouragement.
Greenishlady - that's a great synchronicity. I hope you get your balloon ride soon.
That balloon needs hypnotising!
It's definitely not big enough...;o)
I read your hypnosis post, Caroline; it sounded awful, and reminded me of my experience. You really need to trust someone to allow them to hypnotise you, obviously. Or do it yourself, of course.
Krimo - it was really...
Dru - looking back on it I realise I probably wouldn't have enjoyed learning their style of hypnosis so I was well out of it. But I have done a lot of self-hypnosis since. I hope the reminder of your own past experience isn't too painful now.
Hey Honey I'm home tee hee hee.
Love the cards... and wishing I was floating off in a big balloon...
The hypnosis stuff definately works, I've got my mini men popping fat cells and pumping it to my boobs!!! Sounds bizarre but it's working so who cares...
Today I'm revelling in my madness...
Ah, increased bust size - give whoever came up with that idea a cookie! :D
I like the last picture of the dog - it reminds me of Kojak in Vonnegut's "The Sirens of Titan."
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