Wire and wooden beads plus the wooden table below.
Inspired by Elizabeth Berrien's Wire Sculpture Tutorial I got doodling with some wire - however I really wanted to add in springy bits and other objects so I did.
Ever since Jim and I went around the Sculpture exhibition at Trull House at the beginning of May I've been getting more and interested in doing some sculpture again. I did an OCA Sculpture course long ago and discovered then that I was most drawn to assembling things rather than carving, wet clay or moulding. I made enough at the time to also realise that sculptures are not as easy to store as pictures are - even when you are just at the maquette level - so working in a medium where you can take photos and then reuse the parts also suits me well!
I'm going to "doodle" in wire (plus other bits) for a while because its lots of fun.
Any idea what this one might be (or become)?
Jim suggests, if I improved its ear, it could be an elephant.
I thought it looked a bit like a fish, maybe a whale that bit to the left of the photo looks like a tail!
Actually, Jim is right, especially when you notice the "eye"...
I thought of the workings of a mind, with the eye - it CAN see :)
It is what it is Caroline and it's so good to see some art from you again! Assembling sculpture is truly a blast indeed.
Testing 1-2-3-
Looks like a dragon to me --
Hope this takes...
Yippee!!! That's the first comment that's 'taken' in blogger all week...
Love the wire sculpture - whatever it decides to be, it looks like a lot of fun to me - enjoy playing!
Could be a helicopter?
That looks like it would be a lot of fun to animate with stop-motion. Very cool!
At first thought, it could be some big strange fat bird, but then, I saw a face in there...
You take some really beautiful photos, Caroline! I'm soOo glad you stopped by...I've not done anything in so long, it made me happy to know you didn't forget me!
I'm seeing a horse's head, but I too think it just is what it is - looks like it was fun making it.
Caro doing wire sculpture doodle assemblage? I'm really excited - can't wait for the next one! I'm happy seeing this one as an abstract with an eye, but I do fancy a elephedgehogphant highwiring it on a bicycle while juggling beads.
LoL! Oh yes! I see Johnnynorms has it sussed already! ;) It's great to see that you're playing again, Caroline.
Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes for Josh! We found all of them :D Bless you xXx Thoroughly enjoying all your photo's lately, and glad to see you enjoying yourself. Hugs, Suze xXx
My watch says that it's time to make some more art.
Hi there everyone - sorry I've gone quiet - have been having an exciting time here - will catch up soon!
Love it no matter what it bcomes!
It's a lion?
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