"Goliath Heron" by Birds of Africa & "Fish on a Bicycle" by Daren Greenhow in a brilliant sculpture exhibition now on at Trull House near Tetbury, Gloucestershire. Open 11 am - 5 pm until Sunday 13th May 2007
We found the exhibition by following the signs from the A46 heading north from the M4. Entrance costs £3.50 each. It was well worth it - the gardens are glorious as well as the sculptures - and I'll go again if I have the chance!
Sorry about the lack of postings recently and the lack of visits to other blogs. I'm currently doing a lot of energy work and that seems to use up the same energy I use for making art and writing either here or for comments.
I'll be back.
Great photograph, love it!
Thanks anonymous!
Fantastic photo, looks like a great place to visit, we went to the sculpture park near Goodwood once, well we tried, drove around for hours and couldn't find the entrance and when we phoned them they weren't much help eiher, so we came home!
Nice to see you're still about even if you're too busy.
Oh!! this is so cool!
Thanks for dropping by everyone! Glad you like the photo.
Is that a not-so-subtle comment on the phrase "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle?" I love it! Enjoy your break.
Beautiful picture, crisp, fun, great colour, fab composition.
I love sculpture parks. Did you see a motorpike and sidecarp too? (Sorry, very old fish pun)
It must be quiet blog month...
Glad to see you posting again, Caroline, and have thoroughly enjoyed your Flickr photostream lately! Thanks for sharing the pics & info about this sculpture park - I'm sorely tempted! :)
Happy re-energising!
I love the sculptures, especially the fish on the bike - was there one of a snake with shoes?
May your energy increase by leaps and bounds. xo
a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle..... =]
apparently this fish is doing just fine.
great, make me smile, photo!
ooh, this is just down the road from us though I can't say I've heard of the place before - all those stately gloucestershire piles get confused in my mind - it's not near prince charlie's, is it? I'll have to look it up on t'internet.
I love that fish sculpture- if I had a yard, I'd want that in it!
Just checking in .... I hope you're having a great time funneling your energy into other things. On the other hand, I miss you.
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