Just to show Wandering Coyote - this time at her food blog - that I really didn't mind being tagged yesterday I'm taking up the challenge of another one today...
10 things you never knew about me
- Foods I cannot stand:
coffee and coffee-flavoured things, oranges and orange-flavoured things
- I own no high-heeled shoes at all... the ones I had in the past hurt too much!
- My favourite book when I was about 10 was the "Queen's Flowerpot" by Alison Farthing and I had to eat marmite on toast whilst reading it.
- The first room I rented when I started to work after university was chosen purely for the size of its window sill - it was big enough for me to lie down in - I filled it with plants!
- I've can hear really high pitched noises - I once did a test and came out with hearing well beyond human! .... I once had to leave a lecture I'd paid to go to because of the sound from their PA. And I've had to ask people to turn off TV's on standby because the noise is so painful whilst no one else seems to notice anything...
- I used to play the violin but now I couldn't play anything on one...
- My favourite garden plant depends on the season. In winter its cyclamen, in spring its magnolia, in summer its blue morning glories and in autumn its Plumbago but I've lost this one recently... And this list of favourites is bound to be under review now I'm getting into macro photography!
- I want a long lens too and an even more macro one.... um... were these things you never knew... well anyway they are true!
- My favourite snack food, when I was a child, was crisps.
- I own more coasters than we ever use - not sure where they've come from.
Aha, now know why you turned down my offer for coffee! I too have your #5! Interesting ...
Thanks for doing that, Caroline. You are indeed an EXCELLENT sport!
Re. #1: I hate coffee but love coffee-flavoured things, and I love orange (which you might have guessed by reading ReTorte). I love fake orange, too!
I have taken up the challenge at http://100me.blogspot.com ! I have always wanted to play the violin!
I'll be a good girl and try this next week, when I've caught my breath. I know you love chocolate but I take it that you won't eat orange or coffee-flavoured chocolate. How very sad.
That's right anonymous it wasn't the lack of wish to stop by yours - just the thought of coffee! Do you have problems with bats? I used to live somewhere that they kept me awake in the summer.
Wandering Coyote - maybe I'm like that with bananas.... I like bananas but don't like banana-flavoured things... its odd what likes and dislikes we all have isn't it? And I had noticed your love of citrus - I like limes and lemons and even mandarins, clemantines and satsumas but not oranges! (Though I did like them when I was a child)
Have you always loved them?
Nan - thanks. And I'm glad I don't play it any more - it was a case of my mother trying to live her life through me at the time...
Andrea - thanks - Jim gets all the chocolate oranges in this house .... indeed it was an over-consumption of chocolate orange one Easter when I was in my teens that turned me off oranges I think - I was so ill! He also gamely eats and coffee flavoured chocolates that happen to be around too.... ;-)
Definitely #8. I"ve been tagged too but a different one. Haven't done mine yet. The most stressful part of a tag is finding other people to tage who haven't been already tagged. Guess I can't tag you now huh?
Summer is a lot noisier than Winter ... the problem is more with cicadas where I live. Mobile phones have made a negative difference :(
Janey - if yours is an interesting tag I'll take it - but not another of the 4 jobs I've had etc - I've run out of those!
Anonymous - are you especially sensitive to mobile phones other than their noise? I know someone people are. My worst problem, when I was working, was CRTs, and it wasn't just their noise - I also used to go red in the face if I sat in front of one without having a deioniser on (and as it got unplugged occassionally by the cleaners I had plenty of accidental tests of this to know it wasn't a placebo!). Thank goodness for my LCD screen!
CAroline, I love this turtle and tree piece. Your photographs are stunning and your mixed media work is, too. Very nice blog, as a matter of fact, because the work is so varied and of such high quality.
Thanks Laura - your blog is fun too!
hi caroline! i have reading all your posts from where i left off and it's interestin to know you don-t like flavored things esp. orange i which i like very much, but we both don't wear high heeled shoes.
i am just wondering why you cannot play violin anymore.
i have also encountere Mr Pixy once.
I had a brilliant violin teacher when I was about 12 but he made the mistake of saying I had a "good hand at the piano" so I switched to learning piano - unfortunately the piano teacher was awful and my confidence in my ability totally destroyed! Which is mad as I'd been doing all sorts before... maybe I'll get over it one day!
Mr Pixy is a funny being and I think in league with the light bulb gremlins...
I expect all they want is some attention!
I absolutely love plumbago. I wonder if you know that it's indigenous to the Western Cape where I come from? In Cape Town it grows wild all over the place and you see huge bushes of it, often serving to fence off a place.
It's also know to have been Cecil John Rhodes's favourite plant but you may not want to know that fact. :-)
word veri: pgntnt - poignant?
A bit like you, it seems, I'm also a bit obsessed in working out what it means each time I have to type one in.
Hi Reluctant Nomad - I didn't know that Plumago came from Africa let alone the Western Cape... my father had left his heart in Africa, in "Rhodesia" in fact... I love the idea of it as a hedge. Mine was meant to be hardy but maybe that was asking too much of it - it only lasted a couple of years. I'll replant this year probably - such a glorious colour.
All very poigniant...
But who is TJ Fop???
Rhodesian! Do you know what Rhodesians are know as in South Africa? When-we's. Why? Because they are always saying, 'When we were in Rhodesia...'. Does that ring any bells? :-)
Actually, I'm from Mozambique originally but moved to Cape Town when I went to university there so have lived there longer than anywhere else.
I don't know what or who TJ Fop was but perhaps he owns a circus?
And what is 'vhcwln'?
Getting back to plumbago, the indigenous, original variety comes in pale blue. The white one may also not be a hybrid as it's been around forever. More recently, a very, very deep blue variety has been available. It's really beautiful but seems a little less hardy than the paler version.
totally - see my postings about him from December:
And he'd only spent a relatively short proportion of his life there... it definitely got into his blood...
TJ Fop's circus - of course!
VHC Win - okay whoever that is has won this round of guess the word verification meaning of the day...
The plumbago I had was a glorious dark blue - pale blue sounds good too... I'll see what I can find...
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