Monday, January 07, 2008

Tinth Anniversary Card

Tinth Anniversary Card

A photo-collage using:KB35's "Tin Man", Hamed Saber's "Engraving (Qalam-Zani) Vase", LinBow's "GREEN TIN HOLES" ,
z e n's "squared circle wood plug"

Last week was the wedding anniversary of Jim's brother, Dave. Dave and Jo have been married for 10 years. I discovered that the material often associated with the 10th wedding anniversary is tin. So I searched for suitable images to create this with.

These images (from flickr users) - all have creative commons licenses that allow manipulation - and came up when I did an advanced search for such licensed images with tin in their descriptions, headers or tags.

Their actual anniversary date is January the 3rd. It turns out this is a really difficult date to go out for a meal. Most of their local restaurants are so busy for New Year that they close on the days following it. Even on Saturday, the 5th, the restaurant they'd been hoping to go to was closed!

Before Christmas, Jim and I went to his work's Christmas do. There is usually a competition and this time it was team-based. Despite my total inability to answer any of the questions correctly I was very lucky to be the winning table, as was Jim. The prize was £40 each in amazon vouchers. On Saturday evening Jim spent them both to buy me an external disk drive - I'd pretty much run out of space on my internal disk which was severally cramping my style especially when doing collages like the one above in Painter. We were amazed that despite having ordered it at the weekend it arrived today!

As I mentioned in my previous post he's handed in his notice so its unlikely we'll be going to any more IMDb do's. They were always fun and I did mention we'd be happy to accept any future invitations if they felt like extending them :-) If they'd been willing to offer Jim part-time work he wouldn't have left but he felt unable to continue full-time and do the things we are planning to do.

Thanks for all your welcome back greetings - I'll be visiting your blogs soon!


andrea said...

Welcome back and I think the card is brilliant!

Caroline said...

Thanks Andrea - I'm glad to say they appreciated the effort I'd made - no idea whether they actually liked it though!

Anonymous said...

I like the Tin couple - very clever! xo