Inside my fridge, very little lives
It is dark, except when I open the door
Inside my fridge, are too many olives
They smell like sweat, and Mediterranean gore
A tiny poem for this week's Sunday Scribblings prompt of "Fridge Space" which appealed to me because on flickr last month, a group I enjoy, called the Monthly Scavenger Hunt, had on its list - "Inside my fridge" so I had the illustration already!
The other image that it brings to mind for me is the David Bowie song, Space Oddity, about Major Tom:
Here am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do.
Its the tin can that does it and the cold fridginess of space... brr...
I know its ages since I Scribbled along with Sunday Scribblings, and I'm not promising to become more regular either! Read more posts inspired by "Fridge Space".
There is no such thing as too many olives.
myrtle beached whale - once I would have agreed but then one day I woke up and could no longer stand their smell any more... I'm better than that now but I can't stomach them again yet!
Ha! I focused on What is in my fridge: You focused on What is it like inside my fridge. Good take on it. I did mine from memory, and realise I left out olives (green and black), preserved lemons, salad dressings, pesto sauce, carton of custard....
Good to see your name pop up again today!
My fridge has NO space - ever! HAHA
There can never be too many olives, Caro.
GreenishLady - you are right we did have a different focus didn't we. And thank you for leaving out the olives! :-)
Anonymous - a fridge without space? That sounds like you've filled it all up with something... one of my uncles, used to keep film in his fridge.
Krimo - torturer!
Honestly for several years I had to leave the room if there were olives in it (and avoid previously favourite shops) it was that or be sick!
Jim of course loves olives.
My fridge is almost empty... Except for a pint of milk and... some olives...Hhehehe... :) OK OK... I have butter too...
I'm afraid I can't comment. I'm now too busy singing A Space Oddity.
Thanks for putting it into my mind :-)
When I was a child I got sick after eating too many olives, and couldn't eat them or even look at them for many years afterward. Much later as an adult I tried one again, and was fine, so they went back on my favorite things list. I'm more careful now though, to not eat so many lest I get sick of them again.
I'm not sure I could begin to list our fridge contents at the moment - I've been on a cooking binge, stocking up, and it's rather stuffed right now.
Your poem made me :)
merlinprincesse - I don't mind the olives in your fridge - I can't smell them from here!
anthonynorth -
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
tinker - I only ever did that with chocolate - and I still like chocolate!
Love the poem! Very expressive! lol
Cool post! Really enjoyed it!
heather & tumlewords - thank you both very much.
Hi again - there's a little award awaiting you at my blog, stop by and pick it up when you have a chance~xo
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