Those of you who weren't reading my blog in September can see the first two postings here: dining room, and garden.
I am posting this particular picture to show that the kitchen was white.
This is because I am in dispute with my ex-letting agent and landlord. The agent has made various claims and it has become a case of my word against his. I am posting this to show how inaccurate he is even on something as simple as the colour of a room. He has claimed that the kitchen and the dining room were both "peach". I'm aware that people's colour perception varies. However by no stretch of the imagination can both be considered to be the same!
Today I have seen, for the first time, the response that the agent made to the landlord to a huge email that I sent to her in September. I was attempting to put her in the picture so I went through the whole of my correspondence with the agent. At the time I felt sorry for her so I reduced my claim considerably. His response has made my blood boil as he is directly contradicting so much. Hence this picture!
And whilst I've got this picture up - note that there is no door covering the washing machine, whilst there are hinges sticking out... and that there is incomplete plinth under the sink, dishwasher and washing machine.
Please let me know if you think it a reasonable statement to call the wall paint in both kitchen (above) and dining room peach!
And also whether the garden looks as though it was "fully maintained".
I'll be back again to closely inspect dining room and garden.
My mother and I argue about colours. She sees green. I see blue.
Caro, we have near enough the same wall tiles but a touch darker.
Will have to post one day!
I only know the primary colours! I leave the nuances to Karen!
Thanks GG.
Cream - I do not believe that as an artist you are so insensitive to colour! Surely you can see the differece in colour betweeh white and strong dark yellow?
Thanks Cookie Monster, may you always taste good!
Hey Cream I've just noticed I called you an artist, I hope that's okay!
I'm not even going to begin about our rented saga! We will be out in March after 8 years of it ... after the plumber and electrician arrive again this week .... Wish I took a photo of our 'maintained' junkyard before it turned to lawn ... We are not even talking about a 'tint' change in your kitchen!
hi anonymous - I'm not going into the full saga here but it has been traumatic to say the least - and I wish I'd taken a whole lot more photographs!
I wish you luck with your workmen/women!
I won't either ... but think we have been battling the same thing ... workmen/women rarely turn up past doing a quote ... has something to do with our house being bulldozed done in April! Also wish I took more photos. Luck to you also ... serious creative visualisation would more powerful!
Good idea! Trouble is my anger gets in the way...
I can see why a landlord would be reluctant to spend money on your house if it is being bull-dozed - shame they are also happy to take your rental money isn't it!
Hhaha, you are firing me up again now! YES .... the fifty dollar a week rent rise isn't good when we can't use the bath, laundry or plug anything into the living room! The Landlord was like this for the first 7 years, put rent up with repair promises (again), died two weeks later. Then new owner wants to bulldoze down and we are paying a very high price for what we have or rather don't have. End of conversation .... I see red too.
Doesn't it just make you want to turn the tables and become a slum lord, too? :) (I'm kidding...) No see-um peach, but I do see that there are archives on your blog that I never thought to look at before. Must ... investigate ... further ...
Cool down anonymous - I should have been more careful than to get your seeing red too...
Thanks andrea - that must be the silver lining!
Stark white, not peach. And the garden is calling to me... I can't resist an unkempt garden. There you have it.
Thanks nan...
Caro, I can never remember colour names. Too many of them! Especially in Dulux colour charts!
As for the Artist bit...yeah, right!
The dining room is burnt orange to me. The wall colour in the kitchen is definitely white.
As a room, the kitchen has an orange overtone.
Interesting...I just had an episode of deja vu in looking at the kitchen picture. Hm. Wonder where that came from?
As for the gardens...unkepmt!
I am not familiar with the whole story here. It looks like a nice place though, but painting the ceiling beams white? A crime!
Santa Cream thanks for popping by in your festive outfit - but you would have got stuck in the chimney at that place... it had a wood burning stove and flue!
Wandering Coyote - Thanks for the colour names and the judgement on the garden.
I moved out of this place in August so I've not been there since I've got to meet you in blog-space. But I did do a lot there.
I loved being there in so many ways, if it had been well-managed we'd have stayed much longer.
I expect that whoever painted the beams white was doing so to cover up an even worse crime... maybe because a previous person had painted them brilliant purple or emerald green or one of the other amazingly strong colours that the house was once painted in. That poor cottage had clearly been through it in terms of colour changes!
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